Monday, 12 January 2015

059 : Review - Lush Rub Rub Rub Shower Scrub

I absolutely love Lush. I adore all their products (Rose Jam Bubbleroon anyone?), the sweet scents and seeing my sons cooing over swirls of gorgeous colours and glitter in bowls of warm water. I recently picked up the Rub Rub Rub Shower Scrub on a bit of a whim, I actually went in for bath bombs but realised it's all I ever buy from there. I am besotted with this product, literally besotted. I've used a lot of different body scrubs over the years, I just love having super soft smooth skin and Rub Rub Rub definitely delivers. I use this on my legs before getting the bath, rubbing a generous amount of this sea salty goodness in and smoothing it all over. It's quite abrasive but once its washed off, my legs feel utterly divine and smell absolutely delicious. The only qualm I've ever had with body scrubs is that they don't keep you smooth and exfoliated for days afterwards. But this does. My skin has never been so beautifully soft, with no real need to moisturise afterwards. I'd buy this again, again and again. Plus, you can use it on your hair too. Multifuctional products are always a winner in my book! Whats your favourite Lush product?!

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Saturday, 3 January 2015

058 : 2015 Goals & Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a good one, what did everyone get up to? I had a really quiet one and watched movies in bed with the boyfriend (no longer a Tinderella!) and we were asleep by 12.30! New Years are always a good time to reflect on the past twelve months and make new goals for the upcoming year. For regular readers of my blog, you know that 2014 was pretty bad for me, it was honestly one of the worst years I've ever had. After suffering a severe relapse of depression and going through a horrible break-up, I lost an awful lot and really struggled to get myself to a place where I felt content. I'm happy to say that I am feeling better, but still have days where I really struggle and find it difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The past year has made it easier for me to set goals for the upcoming year, that being said.. here's a few of them...

1. Be the best mother I possibly can.
I became a mother aged 18. I had Alfie almost 8 years ago and Oliver 4 years ago. It was a huge learning curve for me and looking back on those last 8 years, I wish I'd had more faith in myself to know I could be an amazing parent. My sons are the absolute center of my world and this year I really want to fill them with positivity, creativity and the belief they can do anything they set their little hearts on.

2. Save, save, save.
I really, really want to save a lot of money when I can this year. My boyfriend and I are hoping to own our own house in the next few years and we really need to pull together as much as we can for a deposit. I've always been one of those people who spends as soon as they get, I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to tightening the purse strings so this is going to be a massive challenge for me. I'd really love for us to have our own space that we can do whatever we want to do with it (so many beautiful homes on Pinterest!) I think it'll be my motivation for not buying everything in that Limited Edition Mac collection that I just really don't need.

3. Blog More.
When I first started writing Blush & Belle (it was actually a new years resoultion two years ago!) I was blogging a fair bit, but the last few months I've been so slack, between working and juggling friendships, relationships and family life - it's been almost impossible to update my blog on a really regular basis. It's something I'm absolutely determined to commiting myself to over the next year and the coming years. I adore blogging and love updating with new content, so this one is a pretty big one for me.

4. Worry Less.
I've always been a massive worrier, I have no idea why. I constantly worry about the tiniest things and get myself worked up into a little tizzy over nothing. I really want to relax more, think more clearly and more realistically to help overcome my anxiety and have a more positive outlook on life.

5. Get Healthy.
I know a lot of people have this as their new years resolution - to fight off the post Christmas/New Year Bulge, its a little cliche but I really want to get fit and healthy this year. I definitely need to cut out fizzy drinks and chocolate, plus I eat enough bread to sink a ship! I really want to be more creative when it comes to cooking, making more home cooked, healthy dinners and not skipping breakfast so often!

So, those are my goals for this year. Hopefully I'll be able to achieve all of them! What do you guys hope to achieve for 2015? Did you all achieve your goals from last year? I'd love to know!

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