Sunday, 15 March 2015

063 : Life - 25 Things I've learned by my 26th Birthday

Tomorrow I turn 26! It recently dawned on me how much has changed in the last year, I've ended and began relationships, I've battled my way through severe depression and anxiety. I've started and left jobs. I've blogged my little heart out. I wanted to share with you everything I've learned in the last 25 years.. so here goes!

1. When it comes to friends, quality over quantity is best. I spend my time with people I care for, trust and know would be there for me no matter what. A lot of my friends completley deserted me in my time of need, the ones who cared stuck around.

2. If a relationships just not working, end it. My ex-boyfriend coming back from uni for the summer with an STI should have been a sure sign it just wasn't working, but I stuck by him and it was the biggest mistake I've made in the last 25 years!

3. Being a mother is the most important job you'll have. I had my first son when I was just 18, my second when I was 21. Being a mother has changed my life for the better, it's the most rewarding, challenging and wonderful job I've ever been given.

4. Stand on your own two feet. Learning to be independent and not rely on others for anything was one of the biggest challenges. I moved out of the family home when I was 18 years old and have never looked back. I had a little person in my life who relied on me for everything, getting my independence and learning to live alone was one of the biggest feats for me.

5. Never leave the house without make-up. Fake it to make it, right? I never leave the house without wearing make-up. I'd rather look bright eyed and bushy tailed, even if I feel more like the walking dead!

6. Spend time with those you love. It's difficult to spend time with family and friends when you all go your separate ways and start to live different lives. One of the biggest regrets I have over my short 25 years is not spending enough time with my grandparents before they passed away, there's so much I would have loved to known and asked them while they were still here.

7. Setting timelines just isn't healthy. I always had it in my head that I'd want to be married by the time I'm 30 and have children either just before, or not long after. Obviously things didn't work out that way for me, setting timelines just never works out. I've learned to take each day as it comes, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't!

8. Don't waste your time stressing. I've always been a bit of a worrier, I get stressed super easily, I realised I've wasted so much valuable time fretting about things and worrying about things that actually, really didn't matter all that much.

9. Look after yourself. This is something I've learned really recently, as a lover of junk food, three sugars in my tea, chocolate.. I've realised it's time to be healthy, fill myself with goodness and reap the rewards of a healthier mind and body.

10. Don't buy cheap shit. Everyone loves a bargain, but over the last few years I've realised it's better to spend my money on things that are seen as more of an investment, things that mean more and will last that little bit longer. Rather than rubbish that I really don't want. (Chat magazine every Thursday is absolutley essential, promise!)

11. Start every day with a positive mind. Waking up feeling miserable sets you up for a miserable day. I always try and wake up feeling refreshed and positive for a more productive day!

12. Eyebrows are important. I'll be honest, probably up until the last year or so, I did absolutely nothing with my eyebrows. I make sure to get them waxed regularly now and fill them in when essential, it's amazing how good eyebrows changes your face and makes you feel that much better!

13. Learn from your mistakes. And don't make them again, ever!

14. Take risks once in a while. Playing safe is boring, I never hold back anymore and am more likely to take a risk than I used to be. 

15. Be kind. It's so easy to judge others and to be unkind, we've all said and done things we regret, I fill every single day with kindness, towards myself and others.

16. Don't dwell on the past. I've spent so much time thinking about the past and all the negatives that have happened in my lifetime, if I'd spent it thinking about the present and the future I would have had a much more positive mindset. The past can't be changed, but you can do things to ensure a positive future.

17. There is such a thing as bad sex. 'Nuff said.

18. Build on your strengths. I wish I'd spent more time doing this, improving my skills at certain things and doing more of things I love.

19. It's okay to rest. If you're feeling tired, rest. I always try and squeeze a little nap in every day, especially if I'm tired. Resting does you the world of good and you feel way better for it afterwards.

20. If you don't do your dishes, they stay dirty. You know when you're young and everything is mysteriously clean, your laundry's always done, there's always fresh sheets on the bed. Yep? It doesn't do itself. Moving out made me realise this, it may have take twenty years but if you don't do your washing, you have no clean pants.

21. Quit bitching and change things. We have the ability to control our own lives, if you're not happy in your job. Quit. Do something that makes you happy and stop moaning if it doesn't, you can change it!

22. Your body changes. It's normal. After having children, I thought I'd still have the body I had when I was 18. I was wrong, after having babies, it's natural to have stretch marks and a bit of a wibbly tummy! 

23. It's okay to still enjoy the Sims and Theme Hospital. I played these games growing up, and I still love them now. And that's just fine!

24. Learn to cook. When you leave home, suddenly your food isn't prepared for you anymore and you have to learn to fend for yourself, it's taken me 25 years and I still can't cook well, it's something I wish I'd learned at a much younger age!

25. Going to bed early is a blessing. When I was young, going to bed at 9pm seemed really uncool. I always wanted to stay up later than I was told, now, I feel relieved to be able to go to bed at 9!



1 comment

  1. This is amazing- don't buy cheap shit, stress less and LEAVE when it's right I think hahaha! Oh god and not leave the house without make up, always tragic and you always see that one person you don't want to xx

    Blonde Of Carbs


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