Sunday 6 July 2014

049 Review : House of Holland Sweet Tooth Nails

Hey lovelies! Hope you're all having a super weekend, despite the washout weather! I love having some time to relax when it gets to the end of the week, Sundays are always the perfect excuse to do absolutely nothing!

If you'd have asked me six months ago to wear false nails, I probably would have laughed and said absolutely not! I'm not sure why but in the past I've always really struggled with them, my natural nails are fairly sure and I tend to pick at them when I get stressed out. I could never get used to having a longer length nail and to be honest it still takes me about half an hour to write a text, but I'm definitely warming to them. The first false nails I tried were the Elegant Touch French Manicures, I really loved them and they looked so chic. Then I saw the House of Holland range in my local Boots and fell absolutely in love, from lego bricks, monopoly boards, cats, tie dye, natural nudes, tweed and of course ones that come with letters so you can customise them yourself. There are so many to choose from and they're all in designs you probably couldn't get done at a salon.

I opted for 'Sweet Tooth' - you can't go wrong with ice creams in the summer months! These £9 kits gets you 24 nails in five different colours, blue, pink, white, yellow and green. You also get a file and some glue to stick them on. I've currently had these on for five days and they're showing no signs of budging - usually my false nails ping off after a couple of days! They are fairly long, you can file them down to make them a little shorter if you're not keen on a longer length but I think it would distort the shape of the cone ever so slightly so I've left mine how they are. I am absolutely besotted with them, they're so utterly perfect for the summer. 

(on my toes - Tanya Burr, Be Bright, Be Happy, Be You!)

I did also pick up the Royal Explosion nails which are utterly gorgeous, the plain darker nails had glitter underneath which was an added bit of luxury!

Have you tried any of House of Holland nails?! Let me know what you think!


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